Elena Sandu - *Snow, it's not your time to go, please stay! !

2014-11-10 18

It's winter, yet I can feel
first signs of spring
seen the snow melting,
heard the birds sing
how happily kept spreading
their wings!
I smiled, but deeper, deep
Inside my heart
Came bleeding one more crack...
My heart is breaking as I know
Might be a shorter time to go
for us to fly on ski no more
nor skate, no slide on sleigh
nor even watch
the dancing falling snow!
Soon in no more than a few years
might well be raining the whole winter
I so much fear, I so much fear...
The drops of rain?
Tears, and only tear flakes,
of our most sorrowful pain!
not ever given chance for snow again!
We are avoiding the deep thought,
To understand, we do not want
And never stop to make, stock or gain
Imported food, tobacco, rare drinks
cute cup, gush, only because
it is so cute, and also, pink!
A table plate,
look, all comes really really cheap! ?
Then get the big staff, expensive ones
the latest car, new game, blue ray
whole range of digi smart,
new new house
new roads or railroad cutting
throght the hearts of mountains
companies, factories, eating all the clean air,
I could continue till tomorrow, but you may
stop me and angrily say: -
tomorrow always comes
you'll never go away!
Right! And so the the global warming
forever it will stay
if we continue to play their games.
Whose game? How could I know,
No one would say..
But doesn't matter anyway
let's only stop the playing.
And try to save, starting with
being careful for what I pay.

I'll raise my water cup
For me, for Us,
for better than the worse,
Let's rise!

Noroc! - in romanian tongue it means cheers and good luck!

Elena Sandu


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