abhimanyu kumar.s - WRITER AND CULTURE

2014-11-10 25

Green was culture, Green were you.
After a revolt, after a red,
You have become black,
Your culture black.
Perhaps, I will write in black.

Hip pop, hip hop, Bi pop,
Jockey tight, body loose.
Loose is the costume,
Loose is your future.
It is thy culture.

I get up in heat,
Tightening my feet,
Empty heat, Empty Zest.
I am thirsty to change you.
Can you give me some water?

You too get up in heat,
Posing your fittings,
Around your settings.
I am thirsty for water,
You are thirsty for culture.

You forgot your origin and seed,
While you are busy to feed need.
You want a trend,
You want a mixture,
Thinking change is must.

I see a mass culture building,
At the outdoors you are kneeling.
You are kneeling with feeling,
Begging for hybridity,
For a culture of santry.

I was not a poet,
But your condition made me.
I have a query for your culture,
Will this continue in future?
I think yes; what you say?


abhimanyu kumar.s
