RIC S. BASTASA - that big black bird that does not leave the house...

2014-11-10 2

and there is a big black bird

actually the neighborhood calls it the crow
with red eyes

the children who ask
do not know where it really comes from

it is staying by the window and feeds on
the noise of a couple who discuss about divorce possibilities

it likes the way the children carry on the
confusion about where to go and whether they are loved

the housemaid is driving it away
but it doesn't have that capacity

there is a wound in its heart and its wings
are clipped off from the sickness of

it loves to watch the way how the housemaids
are stealing stories from their masters

it is quite a long time now and the wound is healed
and the wings have grown to their original sizes

it is ready to fly away but it cannot
it loves the show of other peoples miseries and concealed motives

the black bird's first name is everyday
and its surname is everyone.

