salma. torrez - Situations are like who came first chicken or the egg? .

2014-11-10 2

Situations come and situations go
What is the outcome of giving up? ? il tell you i know.

Giving up is not an option but a sign of being weak.
Just take all the positives and let the negatives leak.

Try your hardest to be the best and the best that you can.
Let the tears fall because they define a women or a man.

Keep your loved ones close and care little for others.
Put your spouse above and do not forget your mothers.

Take the bad and turn it good and the good into better.
Keep your head up and move forward that way you will go further.

Mistakes are okay as long as you learn.
Because nobody is perfect so be prepared and accept occasional burn.

Be prepared for possibilities and prepared to know.
Be prepared so you can grow and grow and grow.

Written by salma torrez.


salma. torrez