America always used to be known
For her thriving Industry
But now that all seems like a dream
A wistful dream from way back when
A time before the New World Order
Made slaves of honest men.
It used to be fair wages
Fair pay for an honest day’s work.
People could live the American Dream
Your job gave you everything you needed
Jobs were plentiful and abundant
They weren’t being sent to countries overseas.
You could work towards owning anything
Life wasn’t just a daily struggle to survive
Life was enjoyable and everything it seemed
You could be anything you ever wanted to be
Employment gave you a feeling of success and of having good fortune
It gave you a sense of inner pride.
You could have a house, a car, a family
You could accomplish and own something before you died.
But those days seem to have disappeared
They’re a memory that seems long gone
Just like American Jobs and Security
How long can this go on?
(December 22, 2010 Wausau, Wisconsin USA)
(c) Copyright 2010 by Christine A Kysely, All Rights Reserved
Christine A Kysely