Narayanan Ramakrishnan - Man, Religions, Gods and Devil

2014-11-10 0

Man invented religion,
Religion invented God,
All in unison, divided heart
Divided sand.

Hindus, Muslims an Christians they are,
Lost to eachother they have
Made this world lunatic asylum. Now
Warehoused in million hearts, weapons and anger.

Gods, in the street, in deep slumber
Devils exult in crop bumper.

Where is truth,
beauty and independance?
Where humanbondages and rapport?
where the 'Avatar' we await once in a 'Yuga'?

Humanity, in the streets, faces death
Religion exults whistling and dancing.

Translation from Malayalam, Poet Vayalar Ramavarma(1928/1975)

Narayanan Ramakrishnan