Atef Ayadi - ....short story: the best thing that ever happen to me

2014-11-10 12

yes, i did have fun...the way i design looks bad to some....i get the feedback....and i am really responsible!

i am responsible for all what happened to me...bad and good...(despite i do not buy dualism) for intended unintended...all types of cross roads....comments....touch, and deep touches....whispers...and blinks of an eye.

i am all of you, here, there, ...., and scattered in this all of you...all the views....all the people i crossed their lives...physically and virtually....

the story looks digest...for me and you out there?

my great life........... is
be a musician......
a wizard...a lizard....a karate kid ninja without 'blood shed'

i grow a place....
where 'blood shed' is a horrible thing.....

when i moved over to Chambana, ((where i am right now..))

i thought, wow this is a cool farm place....flatness for ever...
fun for ever.....dreams for ever.....i am a new prince in ''Never ending prairies and flat lands''...

a place where you never worry about....

Big mistake!

i saw the 'bloodshed' in color, in words, in anger, in the F words, in games and fights, videos, movies and news from poor neighborhoods warfare to energy-corpo-wars, from spam, spywares to trojan horses, from google to facebook.

REMARK: is it common, that humanity is all about being toxic, negative, and low self-esteem, is about pray and predator, who is hunter and who is being hunted down?

Atef Ayadi