wendy. thopliss - IF HE CAME BACK

2014-11-10 0

He gave up the most precious thing
A man could ever give.
He gave up his life for us
To enable us to live.

He gave his life upon the cross,
He suffered so much pain.
I wonder if he came back
Would he do it again.

Would he think that we were worth it
Or would he turn away in vain,
Would he go straight back to heaven
And hang his head in shame.

We've let him down tremendously,
We've mishandled all his love.
I bet he weep's out loudly
In his home heaven above.

All this pain and fighting,
When will it ever cease.
When will we hear his message,
And live our lives in peace.

One day this great man will return
And i pray to heaven above,
He will once again remind us
Of his precious fatherly love.

I pray one day he'll reach the heart's
Of those who cause the pain,
And bring's his love and harmony
Back to this world again.

When he return's, he'll bring his love,
And life on earth restore.
He'll spread his special message
And bring peace for ever more.

wendy. thopliss
