Atef Ayadi - ....The Zebra be true

2014-11-10 5

being negative few times and positive most of the time,

did not help me……I tried all of that…..stuff!

it just creates a voltage effect…..a high amperage and power’s shortage
to complete darkness….i mean failure.


let suppose someone is
you about a girl
you commented with a beautiful intention……plus I was not sober that beautiful time…

Do you want the details?
If negative, you may….throw off stuff out……out and loud….
They are your stuff…but…you think I am the receiver…..””shall all my stuff return back to….””

If positive,
You reverse all of this, and make it only more or a little sweeter….

Try it for your self…….and figure it! ! .....out...may be you have your story you want to talk about? ? ?

Atef Ayadi