Joshua Adam is my name
2bpositive has been my aim
While navigating my soul through this world of confusion
I have found solace in friendship and that's my conclusion
If it's your reading and voting you think I aspire
Your heart is empty, your friendship do I desire
To release my thoughts, does my soul await
Hoping for your love, that it not abate
Again, I feel compelled to state
That 2bpositive is my only true fate
And after 120 when my body is no longer
My soul shall continue to be ever so stronger
To the next world will I be brought
To stand trial for all that I taught
And as they review my life before my eyes
I will not shudder for I told no lies
Now as my judgement is about to be found
my soul will truly rejoice unbound
With true confidence will I surely declare
Loyal to truth was my only care
Only with you my true friend will I say
Give me your hand that we may pray
To the end of life's road have we now come
To accept our actions and our own outcome
2bpositive 2bpositive