Bright sunshine and golden afternoon
Is what I see from my window at noon
Where tender smiles of the lovely clouds
All clear my life's pain and doubt
I learn to impose the rhythm of life
In all the moments and events that survive
When I let go all my past fear
And swap them fairly with faith and cheer
And I put my faith in Gracious God
Who holds my hands in every odd
And heal my wounds and my pain
To show me a glimpse of peace and fain
This is what I see and feel
When I learn to hold on life's deal
And re-establish my faith in life
Where I am bound to live and survive
Life opens the gift of bliss and peace
On my injured life with hopeful lease
Where I do somersaults in rainbow hue
And brighten my life with sun's warmth too
And this is what I see now dear
The world through my window with cheer
Where life smiles back with faith and hope
To show me new vision of life without mope.
Seema Chowdhury