Cosmic Dreamer - The garden of life...

2014-11-10 50

Each of us are flowers in the garden of life we bloom,
We all bring a different light to brighten the daily gloom.
We all posess great potential to inspire our fellow man,
To offer peace and love is a choice we all should plan.
We can each bring joy to a life filled with sadness,
Just through a soft touch or word spoken in gladness.
We can also bring peace to those with a troubled mind,
Bring hope to a broken heart joy from the daily grind.
For every flower has something beautiful to share,
That has special meaning to someone, sometime, somewhere,
But our time is short, just like a season,
As autumn advances with purpose and reason.
We all have these gifts and we must take a chance,
If we spread peace and love it's the garden we enhance...

Enhance the garden...
Spread the love... The peace will follow...

Cosmic Dreamer