Mohammad Muzzammil - A Singing Broken Heart

2014-11-10 4

Alas! I lost my comfort and now my existence,
Cause I saw a flower full of fragrance,
Was pretty but surrounded by thorn fence,
And I wanted to get it breaking any hindrance.

The flower pointed at me as same my will,
And waving its head, it assured me,
A was satisfied and could pass any hill,
Only its pointing kept me in glee.

I started moving to reach the flower,
Thorn stopped me, but I kept on,
I was bleeding but smiling with shower,
I felt many times but I kept on.

I reached the flower with fine intention,
Forgot my wounds I was near my destination,
And I made aware it with my notion,
And a long time we did too mention.

Now I wanted to get its respondence,
But it didn't speak 'on this' even a single word,
Being on thorns I waited with confidence,
But it dejected and made dark my happy world.

It pushed me on thorns and disabused too,
On my will was to pluck, but it thought wrong,
I appreciated it for its beauty and loved too,
But it refused me and disliked my song.

I broke badly while falling on the ground,
And my dreams collapsed like a house of sand,
My wounds were aching but made no sound,
And now I've no place for one to be land.

Now I've truned a stone by prayer,
And nobody is near me as may be my dear,
Cause I've been broken by a false player,
And have no might to do it again, I clear,
Nobody is able to be called mine,
Hands meet but between hearts a rine.

Rine means ditch

Mohammad Muzzammil