hasmukh amathalal - A affirmative action

2014-11-10 3

it is great to be affectionate
it may be appreciates even if comes late
it gives soothing effect
as medicine is mustered to act

Don't be carried away by emotions
don't compromise with principles and relation
be just as simple as possible
nothing will look hard or impossible

Just be sympathetic and warm
it will please all and not harm
you be reasonable and considerate
there wont be anything left to state

You need not be afraid
the cards are carefully laid
you need to see and pass through
this is equally important and true

Any human being wants love and sympathy
he needs two words and and mere pity
nothing can impress him even with good service
He will carry it last till his demise

it is great pleasure to render timely aid
the gesture will be appreciated louder than words said
it will be of immense help and at critical juncture
You will be remembered even in future

hasmukh amathalal
