Evelyn Underhill - The Naval Reserve

2014-11-10 7

From the undiscovered deep
Where the blessed lie at ease --
Since the ancient navies keep
Empire of the heavenly seas --
Back they come, the mighty dead,
Quick to serve where they have led.

Rushing on the homeward gale,
Swift they come, to seek their place
Where the grey flotillas sail,
Where the children of their race
Now against the foe maintain
All they gave their lives to gain.

Rank on rank, the admirals
Rally to their old commands;
Where the crash of battle falls,
There the one-armed hero stands.
Loud upon his phantom mast
Speak the signals of the past.

Where upon the friendly wave
Stand our squadrons as of old,
Where the lonely deed and brave
Shall the ancient torch uphold --
Strive for England, side by side,
Those who live and those who died.

Evelyn Underhill


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