John Austin - Hymn XIII. Open thine eyes, my soul, and see

2014-11-10 6

Open thine eyes, my soul, and see
Once more the light returns to thee:
Look round about, and chuse the way
Thou mean'st to travel o're to day.
Think on the dangers thou mayst meet,
And always watch thy sliding feet:
Think where thou once hast faln before,
And mark the place, and fall no more.
Think on the helps thy God bestows;
And cast to steer thy life by those:
Think on the sweets thy soul did feel,
When thou didst well, and do so still.
Think on the pains that shall torment
Those stubborn sins that ne're repent:
Think on the joys which wait above,
To crown the head of holy love.
Think what at last will be thy part,
If thou go'st on where now thou art:
See life and death set thee to chuse;
One thou must take, and one refuse.
O my dear Lord, guide thou my course,
And draw me on with thy sweet force:
Still make me walk, still make me tend,
By Thee my way, to Thee my end.
All glory to the sacred Three,
One undivided Deity:
As it has been in ages gone,
May now, and ever, still be done.

John Austin