Elena Sandu - Good Old Manners

2014-11-10 12

What having manners mean?

Pompously speaking same tongue as Queen?

Knowing how fancy table perfectly is set

Or how to eat proper with not a stain or finger wet?

Whole complicated code of how to dress

Or to salute with gracious reverence?

Nooo, not really, isn't it more than that! ?

The Respect we've got to have

From deep inside

Not only showed, but really felt?

For anyone or anything..

Is watching self, be fair, good, keeping clean

Not stink, nor sting, never be mean

always being careful not to say or do

to others, any unpleasant thing!

Those are good manners, don't you think?

For any human kind to keep at heart

No matter if they're living

In a Palace or in a simple tiny Hut

If they don't know to read or write

or if they have an MBA at Oxford or Harvard.

The Simple Old Good Manners

Let all of us to be aware of Others

Then harmony, hopefully, we 'll find

For us, the human kind..

Elena Sandu
