john tiong chunghoo - Walt Whitman Tribute Haiku - Leaves of Grass

2014-11-10 6

leaves of grass
each blade turns my world
between this and the next

leaves of grass
each blade triggers
a clamour for eternity

leaves of grass
each blade a dance of the joy
of the moment

leaves of grass
each blade sharpens
my thought of nature

a child asks what is grass
i say it is the love of God
played out, whistled, whispered

a child asks what is grass
i say Whitman's growth, ever green
you and me, here and beyond

a child asks what is grass
i say listen listen to the evergreen
everlasting love whisper in the field

a child asks what is grass
i say love, because like grass it grows
and evokes so much fond memory

a child asks what is grass
i say the wave of every blade
as it is touched by divine love

a child asks what is grass
i say look afar, take in the field
and beyond.....every blade is God's love

day and night
every blade of the grass dances
to portray nature's laws

john tiong chunghoo