Bert Leston Taylor - On The Eve

2014-11-10 3

Now fare they forth to battle,
And none for peace shall sue;
And ye who sneer and cavil --
They fight your battle, too.
Scoff if you will, but stand aside,
For there is work to do.

All ye who mock and flout them
May go your idle ways:
They care for no man s censure,
They ask for no man s praise.
Against Oppression s sullen ranks
A stainless flag they raise.

And every wife and mother,
And child that hugs her knee,
And every son and father
That is or is to be,
Shall one day rise and praise the men
Who struck for you and me.

Then go they forth to battle,
And high the hope they hold;
And in the time to follow
Their story will be told:
For men have fought, and kept the faith,
Since 'the brave days of old.'

November 4, 1912.

Bert Leston Taylor