John Pierpont - Hymns and Odes for Temperance Occasions VIII

2014-11-10 3

Let the trump of Fame
Now to their memory swell,
Who, in Freedom's name,
Fought and bravely fell!
On the heroes moved,
With death on every side;-
For the land they loved
They died,-they died.
Round the names of all,
Shall honor's chaplets green,
Here, in Freedom's Hall,
Freshly wreathed be seen,
Till all the nations raise
The shout, like ocean's roar,
That Right our sceptre sways,
And 'Slavery reigns no more.'

When the patriot dead,
Who, in their glory rest,
From their lowly bed,
In ghostly garments drest,
Come up, and, at our call,
This festive board surround,-
Shall they see this Hall
In wassail drowned?
Can man, to Freedom true,
Prove false to Virtue's laws?-
In our fathers' view
Come, pledge the Temperance Cause!
Wine is Freedom's foe!
Hence let the recreant fly,
Lest, by the traitor's blow,
She, in HER CRADLE, die!

John Pierpont