John Pierpont - The Temperance Ship

2014-11-10 3

Speed, speed the temperance ship!
Ye winds fill every sail,
Behold her on the deep,
Outriding every gale,
The tempest's fury she out-braves,
And hosts of deathless drunkards saves.

Speed, speed the Temperance ship!
Who joins us in the cry?
Mothers and children, cease to weep,
Our ship is passing by:
We wish to take you all on board-
A freight of mercy to the Lord.

Speed, speed the Temperance ship!
For her we 'll ever pray,
'T is Israel's God alone can keep
In safety, night and day;
On him we'll evermore depend,
Who is the contrite drunkard's friend.

Speed, speed the Temperance ship!
Ye young and aged shout,
Behold her sailing o'er the deep,
With all her streamers out,
Bound for the true tee-total shore-
Where streams of death are drunk no more.

John Pierpont