hasmukh amathalal - A beautiful start

2014-11-10 0

Morning is poised for beautiful start
Dews are still on ground but ready to depart
Strill the birds are in nest but making little move
The nature is at its supreme and nothing to prove

The melodious voice starts emerging
The early morning is filled wih nice singing
The cuckoo is at her best with beautiful echo
We are just preparing with words to go

The darkness is slowly fading a way fine
The horizon is slowly illuminated with red shine
The night peace will be a forgone conclusion
No one may rememeber who made the intrusion

Ya it is not rememebred for the good
We need to go out in search of food
The wood may be looking so lovely and nice
We got to fulfill the comitment or promise

What is it to us with bright light
Nature is awakened with beautiful sight
We got to choos whether to go left or right
It is definitely not easy to find and fight

But the morning delight can’t be missed
Beautiful flowers are not to be plucked before being kissed
What a fragrance and lovely scented rose?
How elegantly they emerge and pose?

Everything can be missed but not early morning
We can’t wait for it to come after sad evening
The night as usual may bring restless peace
Hold the breath till you feel at ease

Just few steps out side the gate
Watch itout without being very late
Nature is there for you not to hate
You just breath heavily and clearly state

hasmukh amathalal
