Dwi utami - ! ! ! EMPTINESS THE HEART! ! !

2014-11-10 4

The moon bathed me with the light illuminated this heart.
Show to him that my love was parallel like the river water.
How so that he knew..

That i'walked on wastelands brought the love and the tear.
I'brought my love was as soft as the cloud to him.

I'will give the long breath in living him.
I'hoped he knew my feeling.

When the love did not repay.
My heart embraced the holloWness.
Our love was still without repaid.

The long breath in my life was to love you with all my heart.
Would you stay quiet?
Had you felt what i'feeling?

How made you cry and understand my crying?
Oh..love this the heart was empty.
I'did not want to increase pain with the tears.

I'waited and waiting.

Dwi utami
