Put courage into your heart
Drive swiftly to take a start
And fill your soul with your dreams
Of wishful thinking and hope's beam
And know that to have a fulfilled life
You need to nicely and courageously drive
The car of your dreams and hope
Filled with love and smile's cope
Just learn to get back in touch
With whatever is going around much
And search for inner strength and feel
And make with life a lovely deal
whenever life throws you a curve ball
Return it and rebuild hope's wall
And learn to have a fulfilled life
Where hopes and dreams freely survive
And empower your self and deep inside
With courage of mind and emotion's wide
And trust your feelings and your mind
Then life will always be with you kind
Just put courage into your heart
Drive swiftly to make a start
And fill your soul with your dreams
Of wishful thinking and hope's beam.
Seema Chowdhury