What is bad or good?
it is like taste in food
you can never distinguish
it has close finish
It may be over done
it might not have been visualized by any one
what is bad can be good in individual's eye?
we must understand and sincerely try
Good advice may be felt very bad
it may take away peace and make us sad
there is difference between bad or good act
we may be sometimes unreasonable to react
There is right perception to over look
Good food can be spoiled by an expert cook
One bad act may shake your belief
It may give you jolt and doesn't provide relief
Charity begins at home
Good gesture is always welcome
there is definite lacuna somewhere
it is nice always to take care
Love to do the things self and enjoy
The child is always happy with the toy
Bitter words offer discomforts and annoy
Good friends never act as decoy
It is herculean task to evaluate
There nothing to offer or relate
you can speak clearly and state
it should be offered in time and not very late
hasmukh amathalal