He took all his Eager Roses
and placed them before her
with silent eyes furtively adoring;
each rose
He took all of his need of her
and hid it
because he felt
it might not be greeted
This hidden pulse
was the vision he kept
and conjured in nighttime stance
where she walked in silky white
coming to him
satisfying his nighttime dreams, smiling.
She paused before him
plucking each rose
granting it her touch
each magically then shorn of its thorns;
each arranged by her in the flower vase
graced by her pulsating hesitant smile
each in seconds responding with an explosive bloom-
roses bloom that way if touched and loved.
Frozen he could only look upon it all
in bas relief
swollen with swirling sentiments
because if this was all there was to be
and could ever be
for him it was enough.
She turned slightly askance
struck by a towering need
not to disturb
Perfections Gloss,
where there is no need to rush
because New Lovers instinctively sense-
when they realize
they are at the First Day of Forever.
Lonnie Hicks