Melanie Weeks - Your Texting and Driving

2014-11-10 16

Curse my caring soul.
I just don't want you to die.
It doesn't matter that
You've treated me like crap.
You don't have to go behind my back
And tell my secrets.
It doesn't matter that you
Don't care about your texting and driving.
You didn't have to drag our mutual friend into it.

If you knew,
If you even cared.
You'd pay attention to
The world around you.
Instead of only careing about
Yourself, Yourself, Yourself.

If you don't care about your life,
What about someone elses?
Your best friend who rides in your car?
The person who lives next door?
What about those kids that look up to you?

I wanted to tell someone
Because you don't listen.
Yes, I texted you mom,
I'm sorry I didn't look at the time.

I feel nervous about your driving.
I have a nepheiw and baby cousins.
I have my family and friends.
And yes, I care about all the people
Who've done me wrong.

The past is the past.
I'm doing something in the present,
To save the future.

Melanie Weeks