prasanna kumari - A Radiant Smile

2014-11-10 3

Standing on a pack of uncertainty
he stares at me with a radiant smile
he leaves the wind to wander
and the tears to dry
erasing the stain with fluttering wings

striking hard on my wrinkles
he plays hide and seek
of my painful longing
with a hidden smile
flinging my orange wishes to gleam on the waves

sometimes elongated, other times shortened
he thrusts the panting of the universe on us
we, poor things, swoon and come round for another episode
uninvited happenings choking us
oversweet or overburdened
with intervals of cloudy blessings

we crown him with our solace
for anointing us with healing oil

he lingers on orchid and anthurium
he does not need a clock
for he can vibrate on the petals of dahlia

very eager to wipe off my painted words
of passion and promise
he explodes into another symphony

prasanna kumari