indira babbellapati - A Night Poem

2014-11-10 0

Last night
Staccato stride
Of silent thoughts
That occupied the vacant mind at sleep
Threw me into a strange state
Thoughts I couldn’t identify
Kept hitting at the fluid brain-walls
Like small pebbles hurled by
A little boy into a stagnant puddle just like that
Each ripple catapulted me into
An indescribable state of nightmare
At some corner of the blank space
A faceless you stood there
Watching me break into a cold sweat
And running and running in vain
I stood there vulnerable and fixed
In spite of my running endlessly…

Through the abstract images
Of rocky cliffs, tree-tops, curling seas
Of bizarre faces, broken stairways
That flashed on the dark canvass
Echoed the two letters of your name…


indira babbellapati