hasmukh amathalal - A last breath

2014-11-10 1

The world doesn’t cease to exist with your last breath
It has nothing to do with your survival or death
You have your hay day so long you are strong
With no existence you won’t be remembered for long

It moves on and moves on with purpose
No one waits for anyone and suppose
Kings too abdicate thrown in somebody’s favor
It is continuous process and goes on for ever

At some later stage we may be noticed
You will be taken note of and well received
It is nothing but slight contribution for cause
In absence of it there will be complete peace and pause

Who has the time to look at you?
Everybody s trying to be successful and pass through
Some one trying disparity with all tricks to, woo
This in fact is reality and very true

No one works here for anybody
This fact is in knowledge of everybody
You enjoy the life so long you are strong
You will be thrown away the moment you are proved wrong

The mighty may survive and weakest perish
Life will be hell and just finished
The chances are rare and diminished
The life may be just waste and vanished

Score brilliantly and stay in race
All turns and tides you have to face
What ever may be the merits of case?
You will have to imprint new and old to erase

It is not easy to hold
Failure for sure even if you are bold
It has something to do with good name
Rest will follow automatically with fame

hasmukh amathalal
