hasmukh amathalal - A nice person

2014-11-10 1

´He was nice person and down to earth”
‘Good people depart early and still there is no dearth”?
“He was choosey in life and did no harm”
“He lived full life with enthusiasm and charm”

Some of the comments were heard when my close friend died
He lived exactly the opposite and on almost all the occasions lied
I failed to understand the value of comments passed on individual
Is it customary to pass words which in all the sense are dual?

I have almost witnessed the same scene
There may be unpleasant things to be seen
People will be offering their condolences
I may still be customary to site many instances

No one takes this occasion very lightly
We may notice some differences slightly
It is not appropriate gesture or tribute
It helps a lot to express the gratitude

Person is remembered at his departure
He might have not earned for his future
The last rites might improve his public standing
His contribution might be remembered as outstanding

We find some of the people still fearing the death
They are afraid of wrong comments or wrath
It puts them under constant fear and pressure
They do nice work at the end to make it sure

Some of the good work is definitely appreciated
It is openly advocated and stated
This brings some of the his fine work to the knowledge
It might have been his ultimate goal before his demise to manage

People may call him as true son of the land
His contribution is clearly seen on hand
He might have proved to some people as good friend
This is how he earns respect at the end

hasmukh amathalal
