hasmukh amathalal - Always look

2014-11-10 0

We look always towards the sky?
Can any one explain it to me why?
Is it the helpless condition or remorse?
Is there any real urge or force?

Whatever may be the reason?
We are immortal as person
We can’t change like season
It can’t be treated with fun

We acknowledge the power
By raising hand, we get the answer
We are mere pawn in His game
Surrender to Him without any blame

What are we today without blessings?
Where can we be placed as human being?
We can be wiped out in friction of second
Obey the call and positively respond

We have come here to stay
To create the harmony and not run away
Let peace be there with emphatic say
We are fortunate enough to find the way

There is no mystery
It may increase the misery
No use then to cut sorry
With His help, there won’t be any worry

I am firm believer
I advise to non believer
Stay wherever you are
Perform and don’t go far

Worship and work
Love and not shirk
Hatred to none
Try to please everyone

Keep link with good liaison
Not sugar quoted words with poison
Straight and forward without confusion
Ready to toe the line with frank submission

Who would want to be called ungrateful?
Why not earn good name by truly faithful?
Being an ordinary person, it might prove useful
There is realization in being truthful

Not all can perform this feat
On the way they may fall back and retreat
It is way for only brave
Who can stand fast and crave

hasmukh amathalal
