Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light) - A Coin Of Little Worth

2014-11-10 3

I have seen and liked
silver coins stamped
in ancient Greece Rome

these usually carry the image
of supposedly great men
kings emperors face in profile

but their deeds were often
treacherous harsh cruel
wars these started for more
wealth slaves land to rule

my favourite coin
is a very small coin
tiny of little worth

that a woman with nothing
once gave at the temple
a very very long time ago

My Lord praised her
for giving all her livelihood
for giving more than

all gathered rich worshippers
combined because
proud rich gave a percentage

from all their amassed profit
a percentage calculated
based upon requirements of

law; but a poor woman gave
everything she had
based upon her own giving heart

it is written how Jesus sat down;
with the treasury chests in view
observing how the crowd dropped

money into the treasury chests;

many rich people were dropping in
many coins however a poor
widow woman dropped in only two

small coins which had very little value;

these coins became known as the widow's mite.

Jesus called his disciples and said to them

'Truly I say to YOU that this poor widow
dropped in more than all those dropping
money into the treasury chests; for they

all dropped in out of their surplus,
but she dropped in all of what
she had, her whole living.' Mark 12: 41-44.

For the love of God.

Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light)
