Margaret Alice - '2010/06/23 Scrumptious

2014-11-10 0

When I first wondered about black eternity
if I had never been born taking on physical
form with five senses to take in the world
around me, shattered by the idea of non-
being, because I assumed I was my body

Religion made it all worse, teaching being
human was sinful as a result of a ‘fall’ then
requiring sinful me to love all sinful people,
I could not, I studied the commandments
and knew I was doomed for being unable

To love and serve people like Jesus did,
if I were good, yet aware of being sinful,
I would be given eternal life, the church
claimed, and to add insult to injury, we
might be preordained to be saved or not

The choice was not ours, a check-mate
situation! When I discovered the spiritual
teaching I am already a soul, an eternal
spirit that always has been and would
always be, regardless of events

In the script that is my life, and I learnt
that we orchestrate the play ourselves
and realized I had chosen an eccentric
father and an artistic mother, bringing
me to what I am now

And where I am, surrounded by love, by
beauty and mystery while reading about
electromagnetic impulses proving that
everything in existence has its own
form of awareness - oh joyous life

Magnificent consciousness, extending
beyond my body to unending parallel
universes - I adore quantum physics
for lifting the veil of being as energy:
loving, intelligent, aware –

Being, just Breathing and Being: The most
scrumptious experience there is!

Margaret Alice