Confessions of Krishna - 7
Why the morning birds are gloomy and silent
Why the sky is pale and dull
Why the trees are drooping its drowsy leaves
Why the river is dead without a tiny wave
Once all these birds enveloped the Vrindavan
With blankets woven with their magical songs
The sky was vibrant ever with mystic colors of fantasy
Filled with colorful dreams of love
The trees bloomed as if spring was always there
Full of bees and butterflies buzzing for nectar
The green grass was covered with fallen petals
Which made soft bed for us to fall and sleep
I thought every thing was same in my absence
But now I feel a vast difference
And without you I feel weary and dull
Without your love life is sad and still
When will you come and change all these
Crude realities of nothingness
Caused by the long span of your absence
And turn everything as blissful once it was.
Through your absence you taught me
The painfulness of separation
The 'Jagath' is always a 'Mithya'
(This is an imaginary poem written as narrated by God Krishna to his childhood love Radha, to show how sublime and deep his love was.)
Vrindavan - The beautiful garden where Krishna and Radha spent their time.
Jagath - The world
Mithya - Unreal [ based on the principles in Vedas, everything in the world is 'Maya' - an illusion.]
C.N.Premkumar (love poems, Veda of love, Life and love)