Brandon Owens - a once great place

2014-11-10 0

I remember it as a dream so odd
The way the Mountain rose up high
It touched the faces of the gods
The ones that lived in the sky
They came down in merriment
Climbing to them we went
Attracted by their gift of laughter
We were never the same after
They filled us with divine insight
We hid our faces from their light
They asked if we would obey
The new laws that they gave
It was easy to see they knew best
So what could we say but of course yes
As they left we began crying
We knew that we were in fact lying
In our flesh we were eroding fast
How could such rules make us last
It proved too difficult of a task
And so they never came back
If you go looking for that Mountain
It's now corroded into lost sands
Never again will I see them on Zion

Brandon Owens