Elias Barcelona - Empty and alone

2014-11-10 3

Awake and rise
Early morning sighs
Another day
Another sunrise
I comb my hair
Brush my teeth
Look through the frigde
For something to eat
I drive to work
Cross the brigde
Climb the stairs
Pass the clerks
The pretty girls
And the office jerks
Sit at my desk
All alone
Last one to leave
Down the stairs
To my car
Drive back home
Pass the bars
Pass the clubs
Pass the stars
Vibrant pubs
I lay to rest
Up and down
Goes my empty chest
I hear a sound!
Im astound
Muffled cries
As someone bound
I check the kitchen
I check the bathroom
No ones there
No more sound
Again it comes! !
I turn around
I proceed to check the closets
Piled high with dust
And rotten boxes
Dark filthy closets
Empty bottles of wine
Piles of broken watches
And what do i find
But a small pot with a flower
Dried and tired
With-in the bathroom
I water it
'I need sun or ill die soon'
'No you need the dark you'll love the dark'i whisper
'I need love or ill die soon'
'No to many times ive been played'i whisper
'I need someone or ill die soon'
'Quiet they all betray! ! '
I grab my flower
And hide him away
Back to the closet
Behind the boxes
Hidden from day
No one will hurt him
No one can hurt me
'But im your soul'he whispers
I lock him up
'I have no soul'

Elias Barcelona
