Margaret Alice - 2010/05/28 Hairbreadth

2014-11-10 0

I love challenging other drivers,
if they succumb by speeding it
becomes a contest deciding
who’ll play chicken first - I’m in
my element in a battle of wills

Waiting to turn into my street, the
oncoming driver deems he will
NOT slow down or give way, I turn
in a heartbeat with a miss of a
hairbreadth’s width

Pedestrians stare me out while
crossing the street, I dare each
to try his luck, increase speed, fly
on adrenaline trusting perfect
judgement to swerve in time

Good practice for reality, nerves
on edge ready to accelerate, duck
and dive - to all pedestrians and
drivers I say ‘Thank you for the fun,
I enjoy playing chicken with you! ’

Margaret Alice