Confessions Of Krishna - 5
If I can make a song from my flute
Which can make oceans sleep
Till all the waves fall still and flat
When I see all the coloury corals far deep
Where I can see your image in the sleepy sea
So blue as myself
You always compared me to the deep dark sea and sky
To you I wear the colour of infinity
In my mind you are an ocean of love
So serene where no one can dare
To disturb the mighty calmness you bare
Except to the tune of my reed
When you slowly move with tiny waves
Over the whispering pebbles and coral reefs
Spreading the soft swirling murmur of love
Which exalts everything to heavenly bliss
(This is an imaginary poem written as narrated by God Krishna to his childhood love Radha, to show how sublime and deep his love was.)
reed - The flute made from reed, which was used by Krishna to produce
that divine music, as described in epics.
blue -The epics say Krishna has blue skin, the color of infinity.
C.N.Premkumar (love poems, Veda of love, Life and love)