Theodora (Theo) Onken - (((Gods Call Pain And All)))

2014-11-10 0

Once lost in the wilderness--
Overwhelmed by the towering trees...
Confused by the green branches-
But comforted by the breeze;

All alone in the meadow--
Where the Larkspur doth grow--
But i am enchanted in the valley...
'Neath the moons most heavenly glow;

I am alive in the Garden...
With my sweet red rose--
Imbued with all of the colours-
I am inspired to write this prose;

Gathering up all of Gods nature...
With my quill i shall write...
A journal about needed nurture...
'Neath Gods most loving sight;

Entranced under blue skies...
I am warmed by the sweet Sun--
Caressed by the Butterfly--
Its to the River of Hope i run;

Wading in its rippling waters...
While glimpsing the song-bird
Listening to its sweet melody-
Its Golden Psalms clearly heard;

I am at one with the Earth--
Alive and at last free...
Touched by all of Gods creations-
With admiration for the Bee;

Its sting is a reminder--
That in life there is some pain...!
But we shall survive-still alive...
Eased by the coming of the rain;

Underneath The Umbrella
May 19,2010

Dedicated to: Emily Dickinson

Theodora (Theo) Onken