Men speak of riches and poverty, two extremes of our reality,
But, for many, it would seem, they never enter either extreme,
Some, attaining all they require, never seek to rise any higher,
Some are content living small, but into poverty they never fall.
There are two other extremes, as many chase present dreams,
Woven into the present reality, we see the realm of spirituality,
In the scope of man’s diversity, is an indifference we can see,
Creating in some indecision, caused by man’s worldly religion.
While many recognize The Lord, by many, God is just ignored,
And all following Jesus Christ, become rich in this present life,
But, all who choose to ignore, God, will remain spiritually poor,
Giving rise to spiritual poverty, along with a spiritual prosperity.
There’re men who go to church, week after week as they perch,
Within their very favorite pew, but, never have been born anew,
Hearing those they espouse, thinking there are in God’s house,
Empty sermons are all they preach, as Truth they do not teach.
Many religious people you know, are churched, but never grow,
Falling away, into apostasy, becoming impoverished spiritually;
The poor shall always be friend, until this Age comes to an end,
As true riches all believers see, when with God we enter Eternity.
(Copyright ©05/2010)
Bob Gotti