Kelsea Osterman - Red Faced Child

2014-11-10 2

As I walked down the hallway I stopped a little astray.
I heard a faint little cry and was going to hurry on by,
But when I heard the faint whispers of 'Why did you go'.
I slowly walked to where you were.
When you looked up I saw the tears
That were slowly streaming down your face.
I stopped... and looked really closely and seen who you really were.
You were the one that I heard about the hour before last.
You were the red faced child, the one who lost it all.
I walked up to you and wrapped an arm around you.
You and I never knew each other before,
but now as you cry in my arms I see that I do really know you
I know you because I know your pain.
The questions you ask yourself over and over again,
The hurt that you would forever feel.
I knew because I have been there.
I still ask myself why did you leave me all alone.
I have looked for the answer but have yet to find it.
'You'll be fine, everything will be fine.' I say these words to you,
the same way my father said them to me.
When she left me.
I was never fooled I knew I would never see her again.
I knew I would never get to say 'I love you mommy' again.
As you cry in my arms I slowly pull away from you and say,
'You'll never get completely over this
but believe me I'll help you through it.'
You smiled a little and thanked me.
As you walk away a picture flashes in my mind.
There I was a little girl again.
I watched astonished as you, my mother,
my only mother walked through the door.
I ran to you and flung my arms around you and I cried.
'Do not worry baby I'll never leave you again.'
Those were the words you said to me.
That was the promise that I knew would not last forever.
But really I was expecting it to last longer than a day.

Kelsea Osterman

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