A broken heart is something
We have all known
Many times we hide it
So our sorrow isn't shown
Our hearts break when a friends dies
One you've known for many years
The pain we feel we cannot hide
As we painfully shed our tears
How about a pet we've had for years
Suddenly one day they are gone
That loss had it's own kind of pain
But we still find a way to go on
I know that most people
Associate a broken heart
With a broken love
That's usually how it starts
But your child can break your heart
As you watch them struggle in school
You so much want for them to succeed
So as they go through life they won't be fooled
So you see, a heart breaks comes in many ways
There are many causes and reasons for our pain
Just one broken heart regardless of the reason
From that point on, we never seem to be the same
Ray Hansell