Confessions Of Krishna - 1
Decades back I had to leave you
To pool all my abilities in shrewd responsibilities
Which made me forget myself
Yet you often drip in my dreams
I confess, during the war of 'Dharma' I forgot you a while
Yet in the crude agonies, I stood up with smiles
I didn't fight in the war with weapons
And remembered to remain a ‘Sarathy’
You taught me the 'Vedas' of love
That fight will never make us win
But never to fight is definite win
In fact fight will lead to lose everything
You never fought for love
You never asked for anything
But I am here to give you everything
Since you had won me ultimately
The waves of agonies in mighty fights
Left a tiny sand in the shell of my mind
It caused a severe pain... so excruciating
I cocooned it with my tears to turn it to a pearl
Now my shell is empty except with this pearl
I know it shines with your radiance
The waves of my mind ask, when can I see you?
To open this empty shell for you
(This is an imaginary poem written as narrated by God Krishna to his childhood love Radha, to show how sublime and deep his love was.)
Dhrama - The righteous duty.
Sarathy - One who guides and drives a chariot in a war. Krishna guided
Arjuna in the Kurukshethra war.
Vedas - The true and fundamental Knowledge.
C.N.Premkumar (love poems, Veda of love, Life and love)