Poem Goddess - Who I Wish I Could Be

2014-11-10 4

Who I wish I could be

Floating gently on the breeze
Smiling, laughing, totally at ease.
Never afraid, always having fun,
Warming her feathers in the sun

Hair the color of a cloud at sunset,
Colored with hues of orange, pink, and red.
Stars that twinkle like diamonds at midnight,
They’d rather be her eyes, shining at twilight.

Skin as pale as the Hunter’s Moon,
She glows so that she could light a whole room
Clothed in a gown woven from softest moss,
With embroidery of gold, it was never a loss.

Wings the color of golden sunshine,
Feathers that ripple gently as she flies.
In your mind’s eye, this girl can you see?
This is who I wish I could be

I look in the mirror and whom do I see?
That girl that girl, winking back at me!
After all this time, I smile prettily,
That girl I see has always been me!

Poem Goddess
