Suicide is a strong word
It tears people apart
It breaks people’s hearts
It makes people cry
Someone dies
Others lose someone they love
People mourn and hurt
All because one person forgot what they’re worth
Tears rain from everyone’s eyes
Loneliness sweeps down upon
those who loved her most
Sweet red roses are laid upon a cold grave
Black dresses and suits create a maze
Leading up to the casket
Where she lays
Her eyes forever closed
Never to cry again
Her frown carefully painted over
So no one will notice how she felt
Before she took her final breath
The people who knew and did their best to stop her
Are filled up with guilt
They think they could’ve done better
They think they could’ve saved her
Her parents weep
They flood the cemetery with tears and pain
They don’t know how they’ll be able pay
They can’t even afford to have her laid to rest
But they’ll make due and hope for the best
She thought it’d be quick
A way out of her pain
Now she’s all alone
Her spirit yearns for her family and friends
She sobs as she watches them mourn over her
She knows how many she’s hurt
She feels like it was a waste
Her ghost peers out from its hiding place
Only to realize how much everyone cares
And that it’s too late
She’s no longer there
She knows it was wrong
Her ghostly voice cracks
Invisible tears fall
She realizes now
That suicide is a strong word.
Leise Anne Crandall