Robert Crawford - The Wind O' Death.

2014-11-10 1

Oh! we hae a' to die, dear,
We're a' to gang awa';
We, when Death's wind blows by, dear,
Like apples hae to fa';
Howe'er we may be clinging,
Be green or rosy hinging,
When we hear the wind singing
A glamour's over a'.
We drap unto the ground, dear,
Each frae the boughs we fa',
When we hear the wind sound, dear,
The voice in the wind ca'!
It comes through leagues o' heaven,
A dream-joy to it given,
It comes at morn or even
Wi' the glamour over a'.
We'll wait for it to blow, dear —
How sweet the birdies ca'!
The flowers come and go, dear,
There's peace atween us twa:
The love-light round us clinging,
'Tis sweet, together hinging,
To wait for the wind's singing
Wi' the glamour over a'.

Robert Crawford

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