Adrian Cordova - I'm Always Here For You

2014-11-10 2

I never realized how much you were.
You were beautful.
You had talent.
You were a saint.
I never realized what happened to you.
You were hurting.
You went missing.
I never realized you were the true meaning of:
Being a friend (you always made sure everyone was satisfied before your self, you never let us hurt ourselves, and you always helped us with any problem had, even if you couldn't really help)
Understanding (you never judged, you always read into the problem and the person, and you were always frank you never gave a half-truth or a lie)
Hurt (no one every asked you how you felt, if you needed help, no one ever told you that they loved you, and someone always had something to say to you)
I will never be able to forget you, nor would I want. 
I will never again allow for something like this to happen again.
I will always regret not saveing you from your purgatory, because it would have been me telling the truth as well. But mabye I can help you with your purgatory there, so here it goes
I loved you.

This is dedicated to my dear late friend, Alie Richardson.

Adrian Cordova