I can't sleep.
I'm not sure what's keeping me up all night anymore.
It could be the ghost I failed.
Or mabye it could be the jerk next door, beating his wife.
Or the woman laying next to me, I've already forgotten her name.
Or it could be the memories resting in the back of my head, my most recent happy memories.
My memories...of a cute girl I was once attracted to.
My memories...of a pretty girl I'm attarcted to.
My memories...of a beautiful girl I've been and will be attracted to.
We play around almost every day.
We act sweet almost every day.
I can feel her heartbeat, she can't feel mine.
I can see when she's distracted, I'm distracted by her only, so she never catchs me distracted.
My last moment with her…we sat together, and she laid on my chest.
I couldn't tell if my heart betrayed my feelings or not...
But the one thing I do know is that although it hurt for her to lay on my hurt side, the warmth and weight of her body gently pressed against my own was wondrous.
Everyday I wonder if she knows about my feelings, and everyday I go home a little more dissatisfied that she can't figure me out.
But above all else right now, I know what I would say to
Isomeone who asked me who I would like to spend my last moments with.
It would be her.
Adrian Cordova