What woman really does need in life?
Merely to stay in house as wife
Carry out normal activities throughout
Should know nothing what the life all about!
Suffer throughout the life with uncertainty
Voice muffled and no respect for purity
Used as object and authorized medium for nudity
Abused and shamed on the count of plurality
You can’t have any say or particular choice
Complete observance of silence with no noise
Do they have no right to surge ahead and poise?
Can any one clear their role and help to rise?
Right from the beginning she has all the restrictions to face
She is not encouraged to have active participation in any race
She may be adored in the people’s eyes but is that sufficient?
Is it not the simple excuse or termed it as proper and convenient?
We call our selves as civilized society and belong to liberal land
Still molestation, rape, murder and so on with conniving hands
No honorable treatment or public out cry against atrocity?
For name sake some good work just to show it as publicity
What does she expect from her lover at the first?
Is that simple gesture to accept her in good trust?
Should that remain as mere spoken words with no surety?
It is must and accepted as norms of civilized society
Women needs to be raised to an honorable status
There is nothing like addition or deletion with plus or minus
They have to be there by virtue of their being in whole set up
There should be no other option or any let up
They need reassurance with full commitment
There has to be full fledged action and no comments
It has to be our endeavor to grant them what they fully deserve
Think of a world and its condition if women properly not serve
hasmukh amathalal